Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Know about Transformation of Digitalization

Digital transformation can be defined as the integration of new technologies in all areas of a company to change the way it works. The objective is to optimize processes, improve their competitiveness, and offer new added value to their clients. It's not just about buying more powerful computers, storing data in the cloud, or installing an ERP. Digital transformation involves a change in the mindset of managers and employees of organizations. It is a bet for the future towards new working methods that take advantage of digitization's full potential.

Understanding of Cloud technology:

The Cloud Technology or cloud computing is somehow a type of computing architecture that is defined as "a technology that allows to offer computing services through the Internet" totally online. In which the user will no longer have to install No program on the computer because it will be run directly from the Internet by a service provider. It would allow it, among other things, to optimize lighten and save a large amount of space on your hard disk.
We only have to install a small application on our PC, which makes its operation quite simple: A client of the software we want to use. Every time we run this client, it will connect by connecting to the Internet with the server that contains the software. We are using, becoming a kind of client-server program, where we will send information to the server so that it executes our task.

Know about the Internet of Things:
In computing and telecommunications, the Internet of Things is a term that refers to the network of interconnected physical objects. IoT connects new things to the Internet, such as production plants, power grids, health care services, and transportation systems. Once an object or process can be digitally represented, it can be controlled from anywhere. This connectivity involves a higher volume of data, collected from more places, with more ways to increase efficiency and improve security.

Application Programming Interface Integration:

 Application Programming Interface is also known as API. It is a set of applications that allow the construction of an intelligent interface, configuring a means by which two systems communicate. This interface is responsible for the communications between the resources necessary for the excellent performance of the software. In other words, APIs mediate communication between two systems or platforms. Similar to an interpreter, which makes communication between people who do not speak the same language viably. APIs enable the exchange of data between different systems allowing their integration and operation.

Benefits of learning DevOps:
Many large companies have adapted their processes to the DevOps culture, which has led to a significant improvement in their productivity. So trustworthy have DevOps become, that currently, several start-ups appear directly under the methodology. Therefore, we will analyze some benefits that have been significant for companies that already have the DevOps system in place and have allowed them to improve in many labor aspects. One of DevOps' substantial goals is to entrench a development culture that applies automation and new methodologies that free up valuable time for software developers and IT engineers in companies. Through the necessary optimization's, the hours of work invested in mechanical processes decrease or remain outside their hours to concentrate on new developments and important projects.

Saturday, 2 May 2020

5 ways APIs can benefit your business

An API (application program interface) is software that allows two or more applications to connect to each other. In simple words, it is the courier that delivers the request to the provider and then returns the response. It is an interface that allows one application to communicate with another through simple commands.
When developers create code, they generally don't start from scratch. APIs allow them to write code and software using a pre-existing framework. So they can focus on the unique proposition of their applications instead of trying to reinvent the wheel every time they write a new program. Think about how you use any electrical device. You don't need a portable generator to connect them; all you have to do is connect it to the existing network. Similarly, a developer can "plug" their programs into existing software. Devops also enables previously isolated roles (development, IT operations, quality engineering, and security) to coordinate and collaborate to produce better, more reliable products.


What is an API integration?
API integration allow companies to automate tasks, integrating their programs and databases with current industry applications to ensure smooth and continuous communication between various applications. This benefits workers as they can access multiple cloud-based applications while enhancing product innovation. APIs allow companies to launch innovative initiatives in an agile and efficient way and without spending much time and money.
How APIs can help your business?
APIs allow companies to create solutions that provide better customer experiences without significantly increasing cost. They also help streamline business operations. Some of the benefits of using API are:
  • They facilitate integration: An API is a component that allows different platforms, applications and systems to connect and share information with each other and carry out various types of tasks. For example, certain software can be used within another or connected with other tools to optimize certain processes.
  • Optimize functionalities: APIs simplify and facilitate integration that allows different software’s to reorganize their relationships according to the specific needs of your business. By doing so, the company can achieve better results while reducing development and maintenance costs. Externally, they can integrate your applications with third parties to optimize the functionality of your business.
  • Automation: Application integration is the cornerstone of a large part of automation strategies for which APIs are indispensable. Integrations automate manual tasks and create a smooth and effortless transition between linked applications. Thanks to the automation and integration of processes, your company can save costs, time and effort Business Process Automation .
  • Service optimization: APIs simplify the implementation of new applications, business models and digital tools and allow effective complementation with third party products or services. Because of this, many developers and entrepreneurs are willing to pay for its use.
  • Innovation: APIs are essential for digital transformation and for the creation and development of innovative business models. They are the foundation of the application economy, which can be developed faster, better, and at a lower cost.
APIs allow software to be supplemented with third-party digital products or services to facilitate various operations. A good API and Blockchain Development can help expand a brand's presence in the market.